Jan 30, 2016

Dear Rick: Do I Take A Job In Atlanta?


I am a long time listener to the show and I love you guys! So, here is my dilemma. I’ve been in a whirlwind relationship for the past year and a half. I do have to admit we move a little too fast. We went from dating to moving in together to having a baby.
Here is my problem. Right before the holidays my boyfriend and I both lost our jobs. I’ve had problems finding employment, so I decided to move to Atlanta. I have several job prospects. My boyfriend on the other is refusing to move. Do I stay to keep the family together or do I pack up me, my baby and take the job in Atlanta.
Would you take a job in another state knowing your partner will not be moving with you?
Would you take a job in another state knowing it could break up your family?
 My answer:  In today's economy, jobs are hard to come by even for skilled & experienced employees. If you've tried everything to find full-time employment in your city and you have job prospects elsewhere, you should move where you have better job prospects. People relocate to larger cities all the time for job prospects, so I don't understand his issue. He's unemployed, so he's NOT bringing in income, his wife has several job prospects in Atlanta and he would rather remain broke in his city. If he cares for her, he'll ride with her. He needs to follow her to Atlanta and keep the family together. Sacrifices have to be made in times of need. Some cities have stronger job markets than others.

Jan 29, 2016

I Got You

How many times have you or I heard this statement? Thousands, I'm sure. People say they got you, and forget about you. You're on good terms with someone so you feel you can count on them in need (vice versa). Some people mean well when they say they "got you", but people are human; they'll fail you sometimes. The same way people will fail you, is the same way you'll fail people sometimes. I feel people shouldn't say they got you if they don't mean it, because there will come a time where you will be tested on that statement. Anyone can say they "got you", the test is proving it. When your friend calls you at midnight asking for prayer on a big decision they're faced with, do you oblige or go to bed and have them call you tomorrow? Or what about when your spouse is home sick, but you and your friends are hitting the city on Friday night? Unless you can back it up, it's probably best if you don't say "I got you."

Jan 28, 2016

I Got That Fire: Twitter Style

I'm posting a collection of the realest tweets I've ever written. I tell it like it is, give encouragement & inspiration, and post my RHOA thoughts.

Jan 27, 2016

True Talk 101

Jan 26, 2016

Born-Again Virginity

Me & one of my FB friends had a little debate based on this tweet, so I'll post the conversation here.

Robin Butler If you can be made new in the spirit, I'm sure you can be a born again virgin. Now the way some people try to use it, no. But to be born again, that's everything.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 10:21pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I'm not buying the whole born-again virgin thing, because for one thing you decided to throw away your precious jewel and now all of a sudden you realize your worth and want to save yourself? It's bananas to me.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 10:25pm
Robin Butler
Robin Butler We were all sinners at 1 point. But God saw fit to save you. You think that's bananas?.....
Unlike · Reply · 1 · January 23 at 11:17pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson Yes, all have sinned and fallen short, I get that. Before you got saved, you were sexually active and now that you got saved, all of a sudden you want to save yourself for the right one. Why? What could you have to give someone that you haven't already given away? That's what I'm referring to.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 7:56am
Robin Butler
Robin Butler You holding grudges. Stop. They can give the same thing. Just bc a person has had sex doesn't mean they have ever had intimacy. They just exchanged bodily fluids. Sex is so much more than what people think sometimes. But all in all, it's nothing wrong with turning over a new life. In fact, you should encourage the change so more would do it.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 12:02pm
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I'm not holding grudges, I'm telling it like it is. So you mean to tell me a virgin and someone who's been sexually active can give the same thing? Negative, and you know it. I support anyone trying to change. If more folks were open to change, the world would be better off.
Like · Reply · January 24 at 12:23pm
Robin Butler
Robin Butler Yes that is what I'm telling you. In the spiritual sense, yes they can. If you are still thinking world then yes you are correct they can't. It depends on Your mind frame tho, not theirs. That's the trick. 

Jan 25, 2016

Stop Asking For Unconditional Love

People are funny when they talk about unconditional love because I know they're full of crap. With the proper exception of Jesus' help, NO ONE can love unconditionally. They may do well for a moment, but many people's tolerance for foolishness is very low, as it should be. Nobody should have time to keep giving people chance after chance when you don't see improvement; that's bananas. Men and women should stop asking for unconditional love if they have prerequisites attached before they love someone. Both genders are guilty of this. Men are like: I want my woman to be perfect before I give her my love. She can't have attitude, must be a great cook, this, that and the other.
Nothing wrong with having standards, BUT...do some men possess most or all of what they require in a woman? Women are like: I want a man to love me at my worst, or he won't get my best. LOL! Ok then. This is the mindset of some men & women. If you're going to love someone, love them unconditionally. You can't put conditions on love for your spouse. You must love your (wo)man even though at times you may not receive that love back. You must be able to love that (wo)man even if they piss you off sometimes. If you can't do that, the best thing to do is stay single. Nobody should be expected to love someone unconditionally if that person isn't willing to return the favor.

Jan 23, 2016

Open Up With Caution

These tweets deal with how people shouldn't be so quick to open up to everyone. The reason why I say you shouldn't open up to everyone is that there are people who are ready to use your details against you.

Jan 22, 2016

Strawberry Letter: Mooching Husband

 Her husband is LAZY and doesn’t want to work. I’m sure there were all types of red flags before she married him. Ten years UNEMPLOYED should’ve been more than enough indication of who she married. She enabled him all these years and continues to enable him by tolerating sorry behavior. I don't know any man who would stop working because his wife makes more. Ummmmm.....*long pause*. There's nothing further to say if she doesn't know by now. He's living off her, so why stop now? I'm still stuck on the 10 years unemployment part. If she has children, she needs to tell it like it is TO him and ask him if this is the example he wants to set for his children. Let's be clear, she saw this coming. Mention "unemployed" to today's woman, and she'll side-eye you and leave.

Jan 21, 2016

I Have Discernment

Discernment is one of those overused traits everyone claims to have. Everybody talks about how much discernment they have, like they're the only ones who can have "discernment". Many people talk about discernment, but they have no idea what it means. Discernment is keen perception or judgment. While others look at the surface, discerners see things from a spiritual standpoint. This term is popular in Christianity because of the spiritual aspect. If you have discernment, who are you trying to convince by talking about it? What's understood doesn't need an explanation. If you have discernment, it speaks for itself. It shows in the decisions you make and the company you keep. Discerners are very careful before they make decisions. They look for the greatest outcome and proceed. If something doesn't feel right to a discerner, forget it. My point: Everyone who says they have discernment, doesn't. You couldn't tell someone has discernment because they continually make poor decisions. Discernment is one of those silent gifts. You let it speak for you in the way you move and think. If something doesn't feel right, that's your discernment telling you something's wrong.

Jan 20, 2016

Repost From Robin Butler

Robin Butler
January 15 at 9:42pm ·
Some people can't understand God's word yet. That's why they sit in church worried about the football game and what they going to eat. Wishing the pastor would hurry up while the man next to them shouting "take your time preacher!".....let me break it down for you.

You know how you feel when your football team down by the 2 point conversation and they make that amazing catch just in time and you run shouting and spraying vodka everywhere....this is the feeling Christians get when they can witness and amen to what the pastor saying bc they been there.

The SUPERBOWL come once a year. Imagine that feeling coming every morning, everyday because of your relationship with God. Not everyone will understand your praise! This is why a child of God can still smile when they going thru because we know we already have the victory. Just like nobody can talk noise to you about your team after they won the game. Nothing they say matter because WE WON!!! ‪#‎Gotthevictory

Jan 19, 2016

Raw Truth

Jan 18, 2016

Ep 11: Ms. Parks Goes to Washington

Ep 11: Ms. Parks Goes to Washington: Phaedra hosts a trip to the nation’s capital to garner support for her Save Our Sons organization and invites a few of the ladies to tag along. During their visit to Congress, Kim once again finds herself on the outskirts of the festivities. Kenya's family drama continues after she returns from Detroit resulting in an argument with her Aunt Lori.

Yesterday's RHOA Episode was scattered for many reasons, but most of the episode centered on Kenya's family drama. I read Kenya's memoir she posted on social media and it was powerful. Her memoir was about the abandonment she suffered at a young age & how that has affected her today. I'm going to be real: I feel bad for Kenya because she's a sweet person, just misunderstood. From the time she came onto RHOA, she's had a target on her head. Other than Cynthia & Marlo, Kenya doesn't have too many friends on RHOA because she's had shade thrown her way. Kenya deserves closure from her family drama, but when her mom still wanted nothing to do with Kenya after 40 years, that's all the closure Kenya needed. She needs to understand that she can't force her mom into a relationship with her. If her mother doesn't want a relationship, that's her loss. Kenya has been through too much to keep rehashing that hurt. Aunt Lori made me mad when she came down on Kenya for wanting to talk to her mother. Bravo to Kenya for turning up on Aunt Lori saying how she has every right to see her mother. Through all of that, Kenya has her relationship with her father, plus her dad's side of the family, so she has more than enough people showing her love. Out of sight, out of mind.
Phaedra invited Porsha, Kim & Sheree to Washington, DC to garner support for her Save Our Sons campaign. She met with influential black congressmen & congresswomen, and the only women who showed Phaedra support was Porsha (yes, the Princess of Thotland) and Sheree. Sheree and Phaedra had more in common during the DC trip because they're mothers to black sons. Some touching moments were various mothers who shared stories of how their sons were slain by policemen. Kim Fields irked me because she kept getting up and taking her kids outside. Look, she should have left her children with her husband or other family. Kim disrespected Phaedra because she didn't have to invite Kim. If Kim wasn't taking her kids outside every 2 minutes, her idiot son Sebastian was making stupid snide comments like "I'm going on this trip to meet stupid Congress people. Who cares." I don't like going in on kids, but I will in this case. He made himself look stupid with those comments. I have more respect for Phaedra for not shielding her kids from the reality of racial prejudice. There are some things kids need to be shielded from, but racial prejudice isn't one of them. Kim Fields took a major L for this.

Jan 17, 2016

Everyone Has A Story

Everyone has a story. Whether it's having a good or bad start in life, we all have a story. The problem is some people don't share their story for fear of some people looking down on them. People are going to look down on you one way or another, but you can't let the ignorant crowd stop you from telling your story. For every lame looking down on your story, there's people who could be inspired by your story. It's your story that could give someone hope that they can make it just like you. I enjoy hearing people's stories because many of their stories are identical to mine. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think anyone should be ashamed of their past, especially if they have went through terrible storms to be successful.  If someone looks down on your story, that's their problem. They need to kick rocks with no shoes on. If you're not going to be a blessing, don't be a hindrance. People need to keep their negativity to themselves.

Jan 16, 2016

Lord, If You Bless Me with the winning lotto numbers, I'll start Tithing...

I reposted yesterday's status on my Facebook page and it shows the mindset of some Christians when it comes to financial blessing. It's easy to tithe when your finances are blessed, but what about when you're deciding whether to give that 10% or keep the lights on or gas in the car? Some Christians like to say, "I can't afford to tithe", but I say, "Can you afford NOT to tithe?"

Christians are like: Lord, if you bless me with the winning lotto numbers, I'll start tithing; LIES. If they weren't tithing off their job income, what makes them think they'll start tithing if they hit it big?
Robin Butler They going to give 1 donation to the church and that's their tithe. Not realizing tithing is an act of faith. When you trying to decide to give that 10% or keep the lights on or gas in the car. And you chose to walk back out the door saying, I'll catch up next month.
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson That's the thing: "I'll catch up next month" turns into another promise to catch up the following month, and so on.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs

Vanessa Duncan
Vanessa Duncan Yes sir... I didn't want all of that money and here's why... I heard a message before @ Church... "Can you really stand to be blessed by GOD" ... Look @ how some folks act with a tax check or a great work check... GOD is the last thing on their minds but when they were praying for that job they were @ Church faithfully... Bible study and every Sunday... Who you are shows when you get a blessing fr
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 14 hrs
Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson I like that, "who you are shows when you get a blessing."
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 hrs  

Jan 15, 2016

Fishing For An Apology

When someone does you wrong, expect no apology from them. Most times, they'll apologize just to shut you up. We all know people who fish for apologies after being wronged. Nothing wrong with that because I believe if you wrong someone, you should make it right with them. Unfortunately, not everyone was raised correctly. When someone's is done wrong, the offender falls into one or more categories: 1. They feel they've done nothing wrong so they don't apologize. 2. They don't care if they've hurt you. 3. They apologize to shut you up. People in this category aren't sincere in their apology, they want you to stop fishing for an apology from them so they give you what you want. Just about everybody fits into these 3 categories if they're guilty of hurting somebody. Everyone has been hurt, is hurting or will be hurt at some point in time, that's life. I know it's easier said than done for some people, but folks should learn how to develop thick skin and learn a tough lesson: Everyone who hurts you either will not apologize because they don't care, they don't feel they've wronged you or will give you a half-hearted apology to shut you up. This may not be what folks want to hear, but it's a sad truth. The sooner some folks learn this lesson, the better off they will be because they will be able to see people for who they really are.

Jan 14, 2016

Lotto Fever: $1.5 Billion jackpot

Since the jackpot increased to $1.5 billion, people have caught lotto fever. Everyone talking about what they're going to do with their newfound wealth if they won, but here's the catch: The odds of winning the lotto are 1 in 292,000,000 so you're wasting your time & money playing. Someone seldom wins the lotto unless they have a 6th sense to help them pick winning numbers. If you're that person, hook me up with the winning lottery number formula so I can win every time. Anyway, you have wealthy people playing the powerball jackpot and why? They're sitting on plenty money, so they don't need to play. How much money does a rich person really need? Let the middle & working class have a shot at winning that huge jackpot. Seriously, there's a term to describe those folks and that's GREED. Greed is the only word I can describe already-wealthy folks playing the powerball so they can win more billions.
Whenever I hear about someone winning hundreds of millions in the lotto jackpot, my first thought is they're going to be broke within a year. Why? Everybody and their mama will come forward looking for a handout. People be like: We've been tight since grade school, or remember when I looked out for you that time? What about those "family & friends" that strategically come out when you come into hundreds of millions of dollars from the lotto? "Family & friends" that you've never seen from Day 1, but all of a sudden they want to be cool with you because they see you came into money, get out of here because I see through you. You can quickly tell who's not used to money because anytime they win tens or hundreds of millions from the lottery jackpot, the first thing they do is spend foolishly: Buy a mansion in the most expensive neighborhood in their city, buy a dozen high-end vehicles, take expensive vacations and eat in expensive restaurants; repeat cycle until they run out of money and they're back to reality.
If it's meant for me to win hundreds of millions in the jackpot, life won't change for me that much. At the most, my nieces will be set for life and I'm investing the rest while living on the interest.

Jan 13, 2016

Misery Loves Company

Misery Loves company, and it's true. You can tell how much power you have over someone when they go out of their way to make your life miserable. It's like if they can't be happy, neither will you. You may have done someone wrong, but if you've made it right with them & God, they should be able to move on. At least you were (wo)man enough to apologize, which is more than I can say for most people. Before I evolved, I used to go out of my way to make those who hurt me lives miserable, but after much work, it wasn't worth it. While they're keeping it moving, I'm sitting back looking crazy plotting on them. I'm spending energy that could've been used being productive on trying to make someone feel what I feel. Am I going to intentionally mistreat anyone? No, I know better. I wouldn't want anyone wasting their time trying to make me miserable because it won't work. I stay covered under the blood, so nothing can penetrate that blood without my consent. I feel it's pointless going out of your way to make someone's life miserable if they've hurt you. Let Karma do its work, because Karma knows everyone's address.

Jan 12, 2016

Real Talk 2016

Jan 11, 2016

RHOA Ep 10: Trouble on the Family Tree

Jan 10, 2016

Married Men: Strawberry Letter

I don’t believe a woman puts off any signal(s) that she dates married men. That’s a bunch of crap. Whether they’re married men or single men, men by nature are predators so they will come on to any woman that they are attracted to. Period.

It’s up to HER to decide whether she wants to be bothered with a man who she KNOWS is married. That’s the difference.

A woman who loves, values, and respects herself will not allow herself to be used as a married man’s side cookie. She will have nothing to do with married men because she knows that a married man who sleeps with other women other than his wife is a liar and cheater who lacks morals.

Then we have THIS lady…..a woman who CHOSE to roll with married men and has been doing so since age 16. You are the opposite of the type of woman I described above.

Granted, she may not have known the marital status of these men from the jump. It’s a fact that the majority of men are never forthcoming and honest about their marital status. But once she found out, she could have simply walked away and had nothing else to do with them. She didn’t. As long as they took care of her, she continued sexing them.

I hope she's not fooling herself into thinking she's irreplaceable. They can and will drop her in a heartbeat when they're tired of her. They stick around for the sex because that’s what she's offering. They play on her emotions by “talking” to her to keep her around for sex.

An intelligent, no nonsense, self respecting woman has married men all figured out. SHE DOESN'T.

She has time to get herself together.

Jan 9, 2016

Tell It Like It Is

Jan 8, 2016


The hashtags #WasteHisTime2016 & #WasteHerTime2016 are trending on social media. People figure out ways to waste someone's time, such as taking a woman out to eat and leaving her with the bill, some men getting women pregnant and running off, etc. Some of the tweets are savage, others are hilarious. Let me show you a few samples:

 These WasteHisTime & WasteHerTime tweets are the reason why relationships don't work in this generation. They're nothing more than promoting folks playing games with each other. Again, some of these tweets are funny, but the rest are savage.

Jan 7, 2016

Real Talk 2016: Week Of 1/4

Too many people lose sight of this important message:

Jan 6, 2016

Different Routes, Same Destination

2+2=4, and so does 3+1, and 4+0.
10×10=100, and so does 50+50, and 300-200.
One million, 1,000,000, and 500,000×2 are all different ways to write the SAME sum down.
Just because the way you found resolves were entirely different from the next individual, it doesn't automatically mean your way is more valuable.
Sometimes, people must choose a different way to reach the SAME goals as you have.

Jan 5, 2016

Christians Denouncing Christ

I expect an unsaved person to denounce Christ because they don't know any better, but for a so-called Christian to denounce Christ is foul. I read an article about a former Newsboys (Christian rock band) member denouncing Christianity and now becoming an outspoken Atheist. He says he's "lost his faith in God" What's wrong? He got in his feelings because God didn't answer many of his prayers, or some unfortunate incident caused him to turn from Christianity. I'm sick of these fake Christians denouncing Christ. Any Christian denouncing Christ wasn't a Christian to begin with. This former Newsboys Christian rock band member wanted an excuse to renounce Christianity so he decides to use the "I lost my faith in God" excuse.
Nothing in this world will shake my faith in God, and I've had vicious trials in my life. Too many Christians are flaky; they're committed to Christ as long as he's blessing them. Let trials hit and you'll find out what they're made of. I have NO respect for any ex-Christian who denounces Christ because that shows (s)he wasn't loyal to God from jump street. On second thought, I'm glad some Christians are denouncing Christ because there's no use for flaky Christians in God's kingdom. I'm speaking of the ones who renounce Christianity under the guise of "enlightenment." They call themselves "having their eyes opened to the reality of Christianity", I call it foolishness because that's exactly what it is.

Jan 4, 2016

RHOA Episode 9: Shade For Days

Jan 2, 2016

Keeping It Real in 2016

This year, my blogs are going to be more real because I've got some stuff to get off my chest. I'll still drop encouragement from time to time, but my writing will reflect more of my realness.
Bonus (This is from my ace Nyca)

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.