Dec 31, 2015

Free Milk: Kendra Winters

Salute to Kendra Winters for this message on her FB page:

Kendra Winters
1 hr ·

Early Morning Meditation :

"Why buy the Cow when your getting the Milk for free?"

This was a saying I truly did not understand as a child growing up, and wondered why the elders of my community would say this. Than as I grow and continue to follow and listen to my Heavenly Father daily, one day this "Saying" popped up in my spirit.

And truly the clarification of this "Old Ancient" saying became so clear. And this morning as I meditate, than log on to facebook, while recalling a conversation I had with several dudes.
I see so many of you BEAUTIFUL, BUSINESS MINDED, EDUCATED young and old ladies "Allowing yourself to give your milk away for free" and some have been wondering why you have not received that ring of engagement, and that marriage you so elated to have.

And the answer is HE DON'T HAVE TO BUY meaning ( put a ring on it, committee to it, do anything different) because he is receiving EVERYTHING FOR FREE meaning ( cooking, cleaning, sex, bills paying, establishing his image, everything that a WIFE do) your doing without even having him purchase that Ring and Marrying you.

Make 2016 for some of you and greater demand from the opposite sex. Don't keep giving your "MILK" (body, sex, love, emotions) to somebody that truly only getting what you allow them with no regards to purchasing you (Marrying).
‪#‎NoMoreMask2016‬ ‪#‎NewLifeMinistry‬ ‪#‎WomenOfExcellence‬ ‪#‎Outreach‬ ‪#‎FlyWithPurpose‬ ‪#‎NoMoreCocoons‬ ‪#‎BeautifulButterflies‬

PS. No more Free Milk, make them buy the cow.


Dec 30, 2015

12/30: Definition Of Real

The original tweet was posted by SelfMadeBluntz, I put my stamp of approval on.

Dec 29, 2015

Are CD's Becoming Extinct?

  Are CD's becoming extinct? That's the question I ask myself because most artists put their albums on VEVO so fans can listen to the entire album. If they like the album, they're more inclined to support that artist because they've had a chance to listen to the album before buying the CD. Between YouTube and leaking albums, I'm surprised albums are still selling. The music industry has had to adapt to the technology industry because technology provides a potential untapped market. If my favorite artist puts out an album online and I listen to the entire album and like it, I'm able to buy the CD because I've heard their music. In the old days, you didn't have that flexibility because technology hasn't advanced like it has now.
What if someone bought an album they didn't like? They've wasted $15 on a CD they weren't checking for. If artists promote their music through social media, they gain more support than they would if they promoted the old-fashioned way, word of mouth, mixtapes, etc. You have some artists who do both: Promote their music via VEVO/YouTube and do shows, put out mixtapes, etc., but social media makes it possible for artists to reach a wider audience by promoting their music. No matter the artist's popularity, it's guaranteed they have a YouTube VEVO page or social media account. Listening to albums on VEVO can be a blessing & curse. It's a blessing because the consumer's able to judge whether the album is worth buying, and it's a curse because the artist loses potential money from album sales.

Dec 28, 2015

RHOA Episode 8: No Business Like Friend Business

Dec 26, 2015

Married At First Sight

  I'm tickled by the show Married At First sight for one reason: Watching couples fake it until they make it on national TV is pure comedy. I mean, I've only watched one episode and I know 100% of those couples are not compatible. Why would they? They don't know each other. All these couples do is get married & go on honeymoons, and then spend time with each other. What kind of foolishness is that? I thought the honeymoon phase comes AFTER marriage, but I was wrong.
Married At First Sight makes a mockery of marriage because it sends the message you need to find someone quick, or your life will pass you by. I couldn't be on that show because I don't believe in rushing marriage. Marriage is a big decision, one that requires careful planning. You have to love someone in the good & bad times, and to me this show doesn't do marriage justice at all. Those couples know they don't love each other, they're putting on a show for notoriety & fortune.

Dec 25, 2015

Weeds=No Harvest

Many farmers know they need to get rid of the weeds in order to have the best harvest possible. Weeds make the harvest look messy because you have this beautiful garden with all these fresh vegetables & fruits, but there's an equal number of weeds. That's like Jesus & Satan trying to be cool with each other, and that's NEVER going to happen. What does a smart farmer/gardener do? They use Weed-Be-Gone or any other type of weed removal fertilizer to get rid of weeds before they have a chance to manifest. It's the same with someone trying to attract a potential spouse.
We live in a fallen world, I understand that. Because we live in a fallen world, life experiences can sometimes create weeds in our lives. If a person's trying to find their soulmate, they may (not) be honest about the weeds (junk) in their lives. A harvest cannot take place until you get rid of the weeds, otherwise your garden will look crazy because you have beautiful, fresh produce mixed in with weeds & nobody has time for that. Now, some hunters are willing to fertilize a potential partner's lives to create a beautiful garden, but that takes work and how many of us are willing to put in that kind of work for the garden we want? Not many, if at all.

Dec 24, 2015

Loss Around The Holidays: By Crissy N. Jones

I like promoting others' writing on my blog website.

Some thoughts as we enter the holiday season. It is important to remember that not everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Some people are not surrounded by large wonderful families. Some of us have problems during the holidays and are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. For many it is their first Christmas without a particular loved one and many others lost loved ones at Christmas. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly post this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares.

Dec 23, 2015

Truest Stuff I've Ever Said

Honestly, I manage to outdo myself on my tweets. Just when I think I can't get anymore real, lo & behold I outdo myself. That's the mark of a good blogger, always making sure content stays fresh, which I do. Anyway, let me post my top tweets:

This tweet was so good, I pinned it.

Dec 22, 2015

Thought For Today: 12/22/15

Thought For Today:
Many people talk a good game about wanting peace of mind, but very few back it up. What I mean is that many people are scared to X toxic people out of their lives because they think they're being selfish by actually putting THEIR desire for peace over overlooking someone's "flaws". I'm not afraid to X toxic folks out of my life, and I don't care who's slighted. I'm not trying to give some people repeated green lights to keep subtracting from my life. If that makes me selfish, I embrace that all the way. There's nothing wrong with putting yourself first.

Dec 21, 2015

RHOA: Miami Pt. 2

Last night's RHOA was a redo of the Miami trip, so these tweets will center around that. Oh, and some of my tweets will go in on Phaedra so let's get to it.

Dec 20, 2015

Strawberry Letter: Widow Needs Some Good Loving

If she's a 44-year old widow and married for 30 years prior to her husband's death, she got married at 14. She needs to learn self love. 30 years married with children; she needs to learn to love and get to know herself so when she finds a man, not one in the bar or clubs, but one whose doing better things with his time, she will be treated right, and will know what she wants. Her daughters think she's disrespecting the memory of their father by acting fast, so I understand them being upset. Mom might want to slow down and take some REAL time to get over her husband's loss because this is not the way to do it.

Dec 19, 2015

Stepping On Toes

This tweet is so real, I had to pin it

Dec 18, 2015

ICYMI: Should I Leave or Let Him Sponsor Me? | Steve Harvey in the Morning | WDAS

When I read these Strawberry Letters, the answers are usually inside the letter as to what the person should do. I'm going to shut this down quick, so let's get to it:

“I mean, will it seem like I'm using him? Would I be wrong for doing
that?”… It's the other way around Miss.
“He says he doesnt love me, and doesnt know if he can have a future with me (There It Is, he's not worried about building a life with her)

He cares for me and doesn't want me to leave, because
I'm the good woman he needs in his life (Translation: Let me PLAY
YOU for as long as I can).

He wants me to have his children (which he would want full custody
of) and says that we would be great parents even if we are not together”
(Not only does he have an EXIT PLAN, but he’s laid it out in detail!)
“He is a really nice person, takes care of me and provides
for me like a man should, but he's a liar and cheater” To her, none of that matters).
“Should I pack up and go, or stay and let him continue being my “sponsor”… (sponsor you for what, YOU SPECIAL olympics?)

Dec 17, 2015

ICYMI: I Want To Date My Sister's Ex-Boyfriend | Steve Harvey in the Morning | WDAS

First and foremost, there is a level of respect that is not being given here. There is also a boundary that she's about to cross. The sister code does not allow for such things. It is not ok by any means to date a family member's ex. She wants to lay(Be intimate) with someone that her sister laid with? I can guarantee Mama or Daddy will not like this, nor will they accept such foolery. There are plenty of men in the world for her to establish a relationship with. Also, a relationship that comes easy will end as such. She needs to get out and find someone else she may be compatible with. Did she consider that this man may have an ulterior motive? Men don’t like to be disrespected and she may be the pawn in his spiteful game.

Dec 16, 2015

Ayesha Curry Tweet

This was the tweet that set social media on fire. Ayesha got a lot of women in their feelings when she wrote this tweet. They were saying how she's criticizing women's fashion preference, which there was no criticism behind it. All she was saying was that she likes to show her body for her man, which makes sense because a lady should show her goods to her man (if she has one), and not EVERY man. Most of the women who caught feelings were the feminists and "sluts". Under the guise of "liberation", some women want an excuse to wear revealing attire, but get upset when some men see them as a piece of meat. If some women are secure with themselves as they claim, they wouldn't be in their feelings over what Mrs. Curry said, they would shrug it off and keep moving. When some women got in their feelings over her tweet, it means THEY'RE the women Ayesha is referring to. As I say on social media often, if it doesn't apply, let it fly. Personally, I wouldn't want my lady showing her goods to the world. Her body is for MY EYES ONLY.

Dec 15, 2015

Gospel According To Me

These bonus tweets will have people in their feelings; tough nuggets:

Dec 14, 2015

RHOA: Miami

Collection of tweets from last night's RHOA episode Bienvenido A Miami

Dec 12, 2015

Kala Brown: Goals 1st, Women 2nd.

Reposted from one of my FB friends page.
Kala Brown 
January 16, 2014 ·
A man should never chase a woman... only chase his goals... why?
At each level in a man's success, there will always be plenty of women available to chose from.
There are beautiful and quality broke women.
There are beautiful and quality middle class women
There are beautiful and quality upper class women.
If a man chases women before he chases his goals, the odds are more than likely he will never reach his goals....
And now, the women don't want you because you haven't achieved any goals....
##‪#‎Moral‬ of the story... pick your women at the top of your success.

Dec 11, 2015

How Many Times Have You Made It: Steve Harvey

 For me personally, this is the story of my life. Just wanted to share some encouragement to those who are going through something & who feel like giving up.


Dec 10, 2015

Top 5: To Be Continued

To keep the train rolling of my top 5 tweets, let's get to it:

Bonus Tweet:

Dec 9, 2015

Top 6: 12/9

Dec 8, 2015

Who Hurt You?

What's the best way for a woman to win an argument? DEFLECT. Some women have mastered the deflection art to where it's instinctual. Shoot, some women don't realize they're deflecting because they've done it for so long. Go on social media and pay attention to these Men vs. Women groups. The common denominator in those groups is discord; A man gives logic behind his contempt for some women, and here comes the Angry Black Sisterhood Disciples with their vitriol with their hit singles: Your Mama's Black, Who Hurt You & Not All Women. Listen, just because a man chooses to share his disapproval of some women doesn't mean he hates all women, let alone his mother. No, it just means he cares enough to try & straighten her out.
When some women can't win with facts & logic, they can always count on "Who Hurt You". The good news is that some men have become immune to deflection and are STILL going to say what's on their mind, not caring what deflection she uses. Because most women operate on emotion, anytime a man has a valid point and backs it up with logic & facts, some women are quick to say, "Who Hurt You?" She's saying that to shut him up, not because she's concerned. Depending on the strength of a man, he may (not) appease her. I think many men will agree when I say this: A woman who says "Who Hurt You" has already lost the argument because by that point, she's going on emotion. She's not able to defend her point(s) so she resorts to deflection because that's all some know. That just confirms he was right.

Dec 7, 2015

RHOA Season 8, Episode 5: Boat Ride From Hell

Dec 6, 2015

Message For The Single People: By Wize Shabazz (Reposted by Kala Brown)

Salute to Wize Shabazz (reposted by Kala Brown) for this awesome message:

Kala Brown
10 hrs ·

Message for the Single People

I was talking to my brother William this morning. He mentioned to me that his dog almost got hit by a car. When I asked what happened, he said, "I've been working a lot. So, she hasn't had a lot of time around people. She's missing being social. So, the moment I opened the door to go out with her, she saw the neighbors across the street and made a B-line for them. I didn't even see the car coming. Luckily, one of the neighbors ran out into the street and stopped the car before it hit the dog."
We then had a conversation about how many people make the same mistake that the dog made. Sometimes we are so excited at the prospect of being social that we run into situations haphazardly, without looking to make sure that they are the best for us, or even safe. I see far too many women end up in night clubs just because they are bored and want something to do. I see far too many men rushing into sexual relationships with women just because they yearn for sex. I see people rushing into relationships just because they are sick of being alone. In doing these things, we often forget to "look both ways" before crossing into these situations, and then wonder why something hits us hard, as a result, that we never saw coming. Luckily for the dog, there was someone there to save her from harm. Many of us do not have the same luxury in Life. So please tread with caution.
~Wize Shabazz

Dec 4, 2015

It's Not Them, It's You

One thing that irks me is when men and women have bad relationships, they're quick to say all (wo)men aren't worth squat. Look on social media, in magazines, talk to some loved ones and you're guaranteed to hear a few "(wo)men aren't squat" comments. I get that you're hurt, but don't paint every person with the same brush. Admit it, YOU chose them even though you probably knew they weren't a good fit for you. Some of your loved ones tried to warn you that (s)he wasn't good for you, but you weren't trying to hear that. All you were looking at is the outer instead of the inner, and that's what gets a lot of folks jammed up. Folks want someone pleasing on the eyes, I understand that; myself included. Over time, looks fade and there must be something deeper connecting you to them. When I hear a (wo)man say all (wo)men aren't worth squat, I say to myself "If you knew (s)he was good for nothing, what does that make you? You had to have known you two would not work out" I think it's nonsense to label an entire gender as good-for-nothing because you're hurt by the fact you two didn't work out. Remember this, everyone's good for somebody, not everybody is going to be a good match. If more people understood that concept, relationships would be much better off.

Dec 3, 2015

RHOA: Nov. 29

Here are a list of tweets from Nov. 29's episode of Atlanta Housewives.

Dec 2, 2015

Last Week's Thoughts

Y'all know how this goes; my top 5 Realest Thoughts in Twitter form.

Dec 1, 2015

Scared To Be Blessed

These tweets serve as encouragement to anyone who feels ashamed of being blessed.

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.