Apr 30, 2015

Ferguson, MO Pt. 2: Baltimore Uprising

Just like Ferguson, the same thing happened in Baltimore: White cop takes out black man, and blacks tear up their own neighborhoods, then want to bellyache about businesses not wanting to set up shop in black areas in major cities. I wouldn't set up shop in a black neighborhood either because of crime risk. Most importantly, if any civil unrest broke out, my business would run the risk of being scorched & looted. Nobody has time for that. It's easier to tear up your own neighborhood, then raise hell where it truly matters: City Hall, police station, or....wait for it...riot in white neighborhoods. Oh wait, most blacks are scared to wreak havoc in white areas because those white folks wouldn't go for that. They know that whites can and will shut it down if it came down to that. Before some folks get in their feelings: Yes, there is racial injustice. Yes, if Baltimore PD was found guilty of killing that black guy, they'll have to deal with that at Judgment Day. You can unfriend me, but I'm keeping it real. Feel how you want to feel; It is what it is.

Apr 29, 2015

RHOA Reunion Commentary

Before I show the audio commentary of Sunday's RHOA reunion, let me say that Andy is very messy. He shades anyone that isn't pro-Nene. I like all the housewives because they each bring something to the show. Listen to this RHOA review/commentary.

Apr 28, 2015

Fake Connections

Some people don't care about you or love you, but they want to stay connected to you because they love the benefits, so they do the minimum: A call or text from time to time. "What's good? Everything straight?" They're trying to maintain that fake connection so they'll have a way in when they need you. When you've caught on to their games & cut them loose, they say you're acting brand new. No, I know how this movie ends. Pay attention or you'll be the star of the show every time and wonder why you keep going through the same foolishness.

Apr 27, 2015

Return Of Richard's Gospel

During my hiatus from writing, the time off gave me time to reflect and refocus. The best bloggers will tell you that periodically you should step away from writing to clear your mind, and to get new inspiration. Never mind that I have other topics in the vault that I haven't covered, but this new material should ensure that I'm writing 6-7 days a week. When I started my hiatus, some people felt some kind of way about my absence. When people are upset about you not writing, that's when you know your material is good. I had another week to go before I came back, but I decided to make my return to writing today. With that said, my mind is renewed & I'm ready to continue exposing the foolishness I see around me. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but if I haven't, here goes: I met someone on Facebook and we got to chatting about random topics, so I told her about my blog website, and she wanted the link so I gave it to her, and I look forward to her checking it out. It's so good to get back to blogging. I've missed writing daily commentaries, but the absence was necessary because I felt myself getting burned out. With anything I do, I step away for a little bit if I'm feeling burned out, so I can recharge and get right back in it. All I have to say is watch out: I still have stuff in my brain vault to write about, but now I have new material to work with, so y'all are gonna feel me on this. I'm a versatile writer: I can do commentaries, write songs, poetry, stories, etc. I've been praying that God shows me how to monetize my blog, and I'm researching ways to make that happen. With his guidance, I'll make my dream come true. In closing, I look forward to getting back to doing what I do best, which is sharing Richard's Gospel.

Apr 1, 2015

Wife vs. Wifey: Mrs. VonnSuga Cooper

Let's get right into it. 


Stole this from Facebook.....

A young lady on twitter asked me whats the difference between being a wife and being a "wifey". I started to laugh but I had to realize that many women today honestly dont know what separates the two, let alone the true definition of being a wife anymore. Most sistas just wanna get married, but not many wanna be a wife. I see so many women bragging about how shes some guys "wifey" which in my opinion is a low standard for any woman. So I will compare and contrast the difference between wife and "wifey".


• never has to compete with other women because she is the only woman her man is seeing, "talking to", and interested in. She knows this from his actions. Not just his words.

• The wife knows her mans family and friends. She usually has her mans parents or guardians blessings. Along with his friends. If her lifelong partner's friends and family dont approve of her chances are she isnt going to be his wife.

• A man treats his wife with the utmost respect. Never cheats on her, or lies to her, or treat her like a jumpoff, a "main" or his "wifey".

• The wife usually sees a side of her partner that no one else sees. She knows her man inside and out. His darkest thoughts, secrets, etc. There are no mysteries. No cloudy areas. Everything is in the open.

• The wife is the woman who a man chooses to spend the rest of his life with. She gets the marriage proposal, the ring, and everything that man has to offer her for a lifetime.

A "WIFEY"...

• Is the woman who a man spends all of his time with. Usually been with for a long time. Maybe even live with. But isnt married or engaged. Ever thought why? Keep reading...

• Men know whether he is going to marry a woman in the early stages of the relationship. It takes us men no time to see if a woman is going to be around for a while...or a lifetime.

• The "wifey" also has met SOME of his family, and SOME of his friends. Sometimes the "wifey" may receive the mans family and friends blessings, but its usually over ruled by him...in the end.

• The "wifey" is equivalent to the "main". Meaning the one who he likes or cares about the most out of the women he deals with. The "wifey" is rarely the only one. Just in HER mind she is. But she dont know the TRUTH. Men are NEVER 100% faithful to a "wifey". Heres why...

• The "wifey" is the woman who he may spend years with. In his heart he knows he wont marry her though. He'll keep her around until the woman who he feels in his heart he WILL marry comes into his vision, then its curtains for the "wifey". A man is going to be faithful or dedicated to the "wifey" for so long before he starts roaming. He will eventually break up with the "wifey" and go be with the woman who he will make his WIFE.

So ladies...please stop bragging about how you're his "wifey", all that means is your his TEMPORARY wife until the PERMANENT wife comes along. Then its back to the drawing board for you. Dont be stupid. If you dont have a ring on your finger then your just his girlfriend. "Wifey" is a very low standard to claim."

Mrs. Cooper just preached.πŸ™Œ⛪️

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🀦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.