Sep 30, 2014

Wisdom Among Wolves: By Hondo Solomon

Hondo Solomon is one of the wisest brothers I know on Facebook. His words can be applied not only to those seeking to get into polygamy, but for life as a whole. You never know who's for or against you. Ever hear of the term Wolves In Sheep's Clothing? Wolves are very smart, a lot of times they don't show their true nature right off the bat, they blend in with upstanding people, and once they get comfortable among the good, slowly they start to show their true selves. 

The following piece of advice is from Brother Hondo Solomon: 
Avoid all known alliances--friendship, business partnerships, civic leadership, religious affiliation, etc.--with lesser males who support the family court system in any way, shape or form.
These men will, at some point, betray you. Remember, this is warfare economics and you must walk wisely among wolves.

Sep 29, 2014

Hondo Solomon: Ally Or Enemy?

Author and Polygamist Hondo Solomon gives brothers some polygamist wisdom. In short, not every man is an ally of their fellow man. Some men play the ally role, but will turn on him for vaginal access.

            Hondo Solomon
         22 hrs · 
When considering another brother as an ally, listen for his accounts of sleeping with another man's consort in the present. Said man will someday turn into a fast approaching enemy with an army of simps and white knights behind him.
Avoid these lesser males at all costs, because your consort is next.

Sep 27, 2014

Are You Cheating Even If You're Not Married?

You don't have to be married to someone to cheat on them. Anytime you're in an exclusive relationship with a person, and you step out on them, you've cheated. The whole idea of courting someone is to prepare for marriage. If you can't be faithful to someone in the courting phase, you won't be faithful to them while married. Each stage of life prepares you for the next, and so on. When I hear people say "Even if you're with your (wo)man, as long as you're not married to them, you're not cheating.", that's hogwash to me, and is another excuse people like to make for their cheating ways. Just admit it, you don't have the courage to be faithful to your mate, so (s)he would be better served with someone who can stay faithful to one person. If you choose someone as your (wo)man, you're making that person yours. All the temptation out in the world doesn't compare to what you have with your (wo)man. Cheating is cheating. Just because one is not married, does not make their relationship with another person invalid. One has to date/court before one gets to marriage. So should both parties of said dating relationship/courtship be in it with each other only? To me, if someone steps outside of it, it would be called cheating. I think marriage is the intended goal for us, but it is up to us to use the "word" as a guideline how to get there. No matter how anyone tries to word it, betrayal transcends everything.

Sep 26, 2014

Can A Man Be Faithful To One Woman?

With some men, you'd think they have NO SELF-CONTROL. They can have a good woman at home who brings out the best in them, and they'll still want to see what else is out there. These same men end up complaining about women because they made the choice to not take care of the blessing God gave them. The Bible says that a man who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains the Lord's favor. The favor comes from allowing God to send a helpmate suitable for him. The wrong spouse can make or break you. I'm going to answer this question once and for all: A man can be faithful to one woman for life. If he has a good woman, all the temptation won't make him stray because he knows what he has. It was his woman who stood by him when he was struggling to become successful, it was THAT woman who vowed to love him even if he acted like a fool at times. When a man is on his deathbed, who does he think is going to be there by his side? That good woman he takes for granted.
I'm sick of some men making excuses for why they stray. Just admit it, many men are led by their flesh. They're looking at what her body is like, instead of what her character is like. That woman he's checking for, she won't be there for him when he's down and out. She's checking for him because she sees the champagne and luxury living. Take all that away, and she's gone. It takes a lot of obeying God, because the average woman alone doesn't have enough to hold a man's attention. That may be the case, but when a man chooses a woman, he agrees to love her through it all. Even though he may find someone that's better for him, he chose HER for a reason. He saw something in that woman that the others don't possess. If he wasn't satisfied with the woman he chose, why would he choose her to begin with? Answer: She had a nice body.
If you're a real Christian man that knows the Word, you won't allow temptation to invade your thought process. Thinking about cheating on your woman is just as bad because sooner or later, your thoughts graduate to actions. If a man's not spiritual, then of course he'll be moved by flesh. In conclusion, no matter how much temptation a man faces, it's up to him to make the choice. He can CHOOSE to remain faithful to that woman he chose, or he can stray. Some men need to cut the crap and stop making excuses for why they can't remain faithful. That goes double for the co-signers.

Sep 25, 2014

Walking Away From God

Even though I've seen God's Not Dead in theaters, I decided to pop in the DVD at home. As I was watching the scene where Shane Harper asked his professor what happened to him, the professor said this statement that got me thinking: The most hardcore atheists used to be Christians before they took the blinders. They realize the world for what it is, and not how we want it to be. There is validity in that statement, even if some Christians may not agree. Why else would someone walk away from God? They're tired of living for God, while going through hell on all fronts. These ex-Christians have had one battle after another, they've prayed for a miracle, and they've served God. They've also been faithful and obedient, yet their prayers didn't come out like they hoped. Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world. Because we live in a fallen world, there will be times where we question God. There will be times where you're waiting for God to speak and he's not hearing your cries. That doesn't mean God doesn't care (he does). He cares about the injustice his children face. He cares about the hurt his children go through, and all of that will be dealt with swiftly. Until that does, all I or anyone can do is hope. Walking from God has crossed my mind at times, but I've never followed through on that. Why? Because God has always came through when I was on the brink. How could I quit on that? I can't, and I won't.

Sep 24, 2014


Pride can be a blessing and curse. It can be a blessing because you're supposed to have pride in yourself, from the way you dress to how you conduct yourself. Pride can be a curse when you're above small beginnings. If you're laid off from your job, and you're looking for something better, sometimes you can get a better job than what you had before; other times, you have to take a job that's "beneath" you until something better comes along. A lot of people say this: A job is better than no job. When you have little or no income coming in, sometimes you have to take what's offered, within reason. I'm not saying take a job as a drug pusher, but if the job is close to what you had before, use that job as a stepping stone to where you want to be.
Let me list a few ways that pride can be a blessing:
1. You've had the odds stacked against you from Day 1, and you stayed focused. You deserve that breakthrough, and appreciate it because of what you went through for it.
2. You're proud of the work you've put in for your mind and body, and you use it to encourage others who want to be where you're at.

How Pride can be a curse:
1. You want the shine without the grind. Unless you're connected, very few people start at the top. No one is above small beginnings. The small beginnings prepare you for your breakthrough.
2. You know you need to work on a perceived shortcoming in your life, but your pride lets you think that flaw is a blessing.

Sep 23, 2014

Become A Miracle

I saw the following stat on a Facebook friend's wall: Why wait for a miracle when you can become one? As I think about it, it's true. Many times, people are praying and waiting for miracles when they have the power to create their own miracles. It's simple math: If you want a miracle, work to create your own miracle. Some miracles take time to get, others you can get quickly. No matter the length, always work to become the miracle you're looking for; once you get that miracle, you'll appreciate it because of what you went through to achieve it. I don't know about you, but I'm determined to become a miracle. Of course, God orchestrates the bringing to pass, but I'm willing to do my part to guarantee a miracle. There's nothing wrong with praying for a miracle, that's what you're supposed to do. It's even better when you're putting in the work to bring your miracle to pass. There is validity in the statement: God helps those who helps themselves. When you do all you can, leave the rest in God's hands, and in due time, he'll bring your miracle to pass. A lot of people like to say "I want a miracle" They've got the right idea by wanting a miracle, but many miss the "become" part. You can want something all you want, but until you do the work to become the miracle you seek, you're running on fumes. The passion you have, determines the amount of work you put into it. For example: I'm a talented writer who's thought about pursuing a career in writing, and this blog website was my opportunity. I'm already inquiring about freelance writing opportunities, which will open doors for me to get paid well for my talent.

Sep 22, 2014

If I'm An NFL Owner...

In light of professional athletes messing up their lives, today's blog message is inspired by the recent events involving Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, and Jameis Winston. Professional athletes feel as though they're above reproach. They do whatever they want without any accountability, and that's not how life works. For every action (good or bad), there's a consequence. If you make good choices, there are good consequences, if you make bad choices, there are bad consequences. It would behoove professional athletes to walk on egg shells because everything they say and do is scrutinized. One minor screw-up, and word will get back to the coach. Jameis Winston is a good example: This kid has done some dumb things from bringing a pellet gun to school to making an obscene statement to a woman in FSU's student union. Coach Fisher benched him for the entire game, so that should tell Jameis that he's not above the team. You can and will be replaced if your conduct is detrimental on and off the field.
If I'm an NFL Owner, I look at everything before I decide to sign players from the NFL draft. Their college stats, leadership ability and their moral character. Very few, if any NFL executives look at a player's off the field conduct. They're worried about their stats. It's good to look at a player's ability to contribute, but their off-the-field conduct is what matters. How are they in the off-season? Do they appreciate the blessing of playing professional football? It's easy to act right when all eyes are on you, but when the cameras are off, that's when your character is tested. NFL players have all this fame and fortune and they don't appreciate it. They throw away fame & fortune over stupidity. Is is that serious to throw away your career over a woman? No. I'm having surveillance cameras, IPhone video footage and whatever else I deem necessary to prove my case, should I find myself in an unfortunate situation.
Being an NFL Owner, I'm looking for the BEST all-around talent: Moral character, their appreciation for the opportunity given them, and are they going to represent me on and off the field. If they agree to uphold high moral values, and contribute to my team, I'm signing them. They can impress me all they want at the NFL Combine, but if their moral character isn't on point, forget it. I can't have players representing me the wrong way as an NFL Owner. That makes me look bad.

Sep 20, 2014

Blessing In The Mess

Being a Christian, I hear the term Blessing In The Mess frequently. It means that what Satan meant for bad, God turns it into a blessing. I propose this scenario: A young woman gets raped, and is pregnant by the rapist's child. Rape is a horrible ordeal for any woman, so the last thing she needs is a reminder. The baby didn't ask to be born under terrible circumstances, so it's gotta be rough having to explain the conception to the child. Think about it: Kids are much smarter than adults give them credit for. They're like sponges waiting to soak up knowledge of how life works. At some point, the child is going to ask how they were born, and having to explain that (s)he was raped is crazy. That's a situation that no one should have to experience. Why would anyone want a constant reminder of the horrible ordeal? Any woman would be trying to heal from that, and keeping a rapist's child would throw salt on that wound.
Would I support abortion for a woman who didn't want to keep the rapist's child? Without question. Under no circumstance would I support abortion, but incest and rape are the only exceptions. I realize that I shouldn't support abortion as a Christian, but as stated before, rape would be an exception. No one wants a reminder of their painful past. At the same time, what if the woman got the abortion? That's a decision that carries major implications. Having to live with the decision is to much to have on anyone's heart. Abortion is serious business, we're talking about ending a life. Any woman who chooses this path must be strong enough to live with any regrets & disapproval. Let's say she got the abortion, that's one less CEO, doctor, lawyer, IT professional, etc. that doesn't have the chance to make their mark in society. That's a chance that I'd willingly take because I couldn't accept taking care of a rapist's child. My first thought is retribution on the scumbag who violated my lady in that way.

Sep 19, 2014

Master Key

From Khrystle Nichole: People will only treat you the way you allow them to. Don't allow anyone to put their 'ish onto you and blame you for their problems, in person, on the phone, in an email or text. You don't need people like this in your life. Don't hesitate to show them the exit. You are the gatekeeper of your life and you have the master key. Sometimes you have to lock some people out.

She's not lying. There's a saying that you show people how to treat you. If you carry yourself with respect, people will usually give you respect. I realize there are exceptions, because some people are no good to the core. Those are people you don't need in your life because their toxicity will rub off on you. Since I chose to make people earn my respect, life has been good. Gone are the days where I hand respect on a silver platter. The only people that automatically get my respect are my parents; everyone has to earn it. That's all part of protecting your well-being. Some people come into your life as a test. They play on your good nature, and once you let your defenses down, that's when the mistreatment comes. Sometimes, wolves won't show their true colors outright, so you have to be extra careful. I hate to see good people become jaded from letting the wrong people in. If someone wants the master key to your life, make them earn it. Even if they've gotten the master key, always keep a spare so you can lock them out if necessary.

Sep 18, 2014

Preachers Of L.A.: Consulting Your Wife

Should a man consult his wife before a decision? Read the following discussion that I sparked on my wall:
Why is Wayne shook by Myesha? Come on bruh, you're the head. If you want to move your mom in, that's your decision. ‪#‎PreachersOfLA‬
  • Twanna Gill No... That's something you all discuss and come to an agreement on. Adding someone to your household can change the dynamics of your relationship and not always on a good way.
  • Richard Hudson In the end, Myesha had no choice but to support her husband's decision to move in his mother. Wayne was like "How am I going to break this to Myesha?"
  • Twanna Gill No... that's not how marriage works. That is her home. Their home. And you can't just move folks in, make household decisions without discussing things with your mate. That sets the scene for drama and tension when it didn't have to be that way.
  • Richard Hudson As the head of household, a man must make tough decisions even if the wife doesn't agree.
  • Twanna Gill That means nothing. How would he feel is he came home and her mom was there? He'd feel at minimum disrespected in his home.

    "... forsaking all others..." isn't just about giving up other (wo)men... "giving up single ways" isn't just about monogamy. It's a mindset. No one comes before your spouse and their well being.
  • Richard Hudson That's the issue with marriage relationships as a whole, too many men are scared to take their role as the head. Gotta consult the wife about everything. At some point, a man has to grow a pair and make decisions independent of his wife.
  • Twanna Gill Being the head doesn't mean you do what the eff you wanna do - that means you wanna be single.
  • Richard Hudson Today's women don't understand the concept of standing by their man. A husband isn't obligated to let his wife in on every doggone thing. As long as he's not endangering his family, that's what counts.
  • Twanna Gill No he isn't. But moving someone into THEIR home is absolutely something that should be at minimum discussed BEFORE it happens.

    And... if we taking this into a "traditional" role type sense since you keep mentioning him being the "head". That makes
    ...See More
    4 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • Keisha L Fuqua I agree with Twanna....
    4 hrs · Like · 1
  • Richard Hudson The best way to squash all that nonsense is remain impartial, no matter how difficult it gets. If his wife is right, he sides with her. If the mom is right, side with the mother. No matter what he does, someone will always feel slighted. You can't please everybody.
  • Keisha L Fuqua Which is y mom shouldn't live can't please everybody
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Twanna Gill Exactly Keisha!
  • Twanna Gill As the "head" you don't created crazy situations and after you've created a mess you decided THEN to sit back and be "impartial".
  • Richard Hudson If this were on the other foot, Wayne would be expected to accommodate Myesha's mother with no hesitation.
  • Twanna Gill No. He shouldn't be expected to just accept that either. It's a discussion. Pros, cons, developing a plan together

Gentle Parenting

  Gentle parenting breeds disrespectful & entitled kids.🤦🏾😎I’m glad I was raised old-school.