Sep 2, 2015

I'm Cutting You Off

Seriously, I could care less if someone cuts me off who can't do anything for me. Are they footing my expenses? No. Cooking my meals? Negative. So if they're not feeding or financing me, why would I care about them cutting me off? I don't. I understand not everyone is like me, and I respect that. Some people want to be liked by everybody that they can't stand the thought of someone cutting them off through no fault of his/her own. They figure, "If I haven't mistreated them, they shouldn't cut me off". That's not how life works. You can be a generous & respectful person to all you come across, and you may build a rapport with someone at first, but as time goes on, you two grow apart. Out of the blue, you're cut off for no reason, let alone receive no explanation. When someone who can't do anything for me says they're going to cut me off, I look at them like they're stupid and say "Ask Me If I Care". To me, that's confidence in knowing your worth whether others realize it or not. Some people come in your life for a season or lifetime; very few people ride with you to the end because it's not meant for you to have lots of lifetimers in your life. God sees fit to keep some people in your life, others he has to remove because they can't go where you're going. I will never understand why some people get in their feelings when a nobody cuts them off. They should be glad, because the person who cut him/her off is doing a huge favor. Many times, you don't have to take the trash out because the trash takes care of itself.

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When your life starts coming together, keep your mouth shut.