Jun 4, 2020

Selective Outrage

I listened to a clip of the Trick & Trina show on 99Jamz where they discussed the Miami protests as a result of George Floyd's death, and Trina went in. She said the protestors were acting like animals out of a zoo. I'm certain she wasn't talking about the peaceful protestors, just the ones looting. Truth be told, Trina was right. The looters were acting like animals. Her friend's business was looted, and she doesn't have a right to be upset about that? That's why I can't take some black people serious because they have selective outrage. Selective outrage is a condition where people choose what to be outraged about. The same blacks that supported Trina from Day 1 are the same ones who turned on her. I doubt she cares, but I wanted to point that out. 

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Others

  I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to li...