Aug 27, 2018

Children in 2018....

I'm growing tired of hearing about children dying because of sorry parents who left them in a hot car all day, and that goes double for those who make excuses for the parents. A mistake is when you accidentally burn dinner on the stove because you were trying to help your child with their homework, NOT leaving your child in a hot car all day. That's out & out murder, period. If there can be a screening process before you can adopt a child, there needs to be a screening process in place before you can become a parent. Then the parents want to boo-hoo cry about how they didn't know, or they didn't mean to. Too late, a child died at the hands of negligent parents.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Others

  I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to li...