Mar 11, 2022

Storms Of Life


God's Limit

 What do I think God's limit is for chasing people who run from him? God will go to great lengths to get those who run from him, but he gives everyone free will to accept or reject him. The Bible also speaks of the point of no return, which is where society is on a fast track. God will give us so many chances to turn to him until he gets tired, and when that's over. When someone reaches the point of no return, it's too late to accept Christ because by that time, God's judgment is already underway. Two examples are Sodom & Gomorrah & Nineveh. In Sodom & Gomorrah's case, they were cemented in wickedness so God had to destroy those places for being at the point of no return; the same applies to Nineveh (shameless sin). There is no limit to God's love for us, but at some point God must judge sin. I believe we're getting closer to God's judgment, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Genesis 6:6-7: The Lord regretted creating humans & he was disappointed. "I will wipe the human race off the earth because I regret creating them." Considering what's going on today, giving humans free will has been detrimental because some of us have committed abominations in the name of freedom.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Others

  I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to li...