Dec 29, 2014

Gratitude & Patience

Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and gratitude when you have everything. I'm a big believer in this statement because it holds a lot of weight. It's easy to be thankful when everything's sweet, and things are going your way. You're shining on your job, business is prospering, debt free, etc. By all accounts, you're on point and with good reason. You've worked hard to get where you're at & given what you've gone through, you're not ashamed to testify where you've come from. You're very humble because you know what you've gone through to get where you are, and you never feel a need to brag about how many homes & cars you have. You meet people who are less fortunate and you're compelled to bless them in any way you see fit. That's all part of being grateful for having everything because as soon as you get blessed, you try and bless others.
What do you do when you have next to nothing and you're busting your butt to make it to the top, but it seems like every door is slammed shut? You're tired of struggling, and you want more in life but it's not the right time. You have two choices: 1.You can keep fighting for that dream, and move heaven & eart to make it happen or 2. You can give up, and never see that dream manifest. Many people go with #2 because they're so weary from fighting that they feel that goal is not meant for them to achieve, so they quit. However, there's that select few who choose to make it happen by any means necessary; even if that means trimming the fat from their lives (removing dead weight in the form of naysayers). They've got laser-like focus that nothing will stop them from getting what they desire in life. As stated in the tweet, you're defined by two things, which one will define YOU?

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