May 17, 2021

What Happens In The Family, Stays In The Family?


Once upon a time, family meant something to most people, but not anymore. Families are estranged: Some members aren't speaking to other family members for whatever reason, the aunts/grandparents have favorites, etc. It's sad, but as I've gotten older I've understood the reason: Families would rather sweep "dirt" under the rug. That uncle who's a sex offender; the grandkids are uncomfortable in his presence because he's molested or is molesting them. The kid(s) can't go to any other trusted adult in the family because the other adults will discount the kid(s) feelings. Black families are notorious for fronting, knowing good & well some stuff needs to be exposed. How can you heal from what you're not willing to expose? 

Wednesday Measage: Be Careful How You Treat God’s People

  We're living in times where reaping what you sow is coming faster than ever. You better be careful of how you treat God's people!!