Oct 23, 2018

Rae Carruth Prison Release

Rae Carruth released from prison and wants custody of the child he tried to kill; tell me how that makes sense. This is the SAME child that has cerebral palsy because of his actions. The shooter got 40 years, so Rae Carruth should’ve gotten 40 years or the death penalty. I don’t think he should be allowed to see his kid because he didn’t care about the child’s well being when his girlfriend was shot 4 times and died, so why would he care now? Besides, his kids probably don’t and won’t remember him. Rae isn’t truly free because he has to live with causing his child’s disability. I hope the disabled boy can have some sort of independence.

Wednesday Measage: Be Careful How You Treat God’s People

  We're living in times where reaping what you sow is coming faster than ever. You better be careful of how you treat God's people!!