Jul 18, 2016

A Biblical Response on Race

Dr. Tony Evans is the ONLY pastor who has spoken out against the racial turmoil in this country. I've always followed Dr. Evans' teachings, but when I listened to this sermon earlier this morning, it was just what's needed for these crazy times. My favorite part was when he talked about an older white gentleman who had a problem with more blacks coming to the church, and when the man said he didn't know if he could stay, Dr. Evans was like "Bye" nonchalantly. Agreed; racial division has NO BUSINESS in the church. Is there going to be a Whites/Blacks Only section in Heaven for believers? NO. Matter of fact, some believers won't make heaven with racial division in their heart unless they get rid of that with God's help. Listen to Dr. Evans message.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Others

  I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to li...