Jul 29, 2017

Charging For The Gospel-Pt. 1

Today's blog message is titled Charging For The Gospel. Why do we have to pay people to bring the word of God? Isn't that a believer's responsibility to bring the gospel into the highways & byways? I understand about pastors because that's their vocation so they should be paid, but regular Holy Spirit filled believers who know God's word shouldn't be paid for doing what they're supposed to do. If a believer trusts God and he's called them to this, then he will provide their needs without them having to charge admission. It doesn't make sense to me to charge for something people may really need, but can't afford so they miss out. What about those who would love to hear, but can't pay? If a speaker comes to a church, and the host church wants to bless them with a love offering, I have no problem with that.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Others

  I’m a proud American, but our country has too many issues to police another country. We have no business telling another country how to li...